Friday, July 8, 2011

Mommy of 2 Under 2!

So I'll get right into it. This morning, before my feet touched the floor, I was changing Allison's diaper. Hailey was sitting on the bed with me, probably trying to get into Matt's night stand (her favorite thing to do). I'm not sure exactly what happened, but all I know is that I looked down and I was literally COVERED in baby poop. All over my arm, shirt, pants...had no idea a baby could poop that much. Hailey looked over and says..."Uh-oh, yucky poop!" After I let out a little whiny, "ew," I laughed. This is my life.

What can truly prepare you to be a mom...nonetheless a mom of two young ones? I'm always tired, always cleaning, always cooking, always changing a diaper...and always more in love than I've ever been. The other day I was doing my hair in the bathroom. There was a dirty diaper on the counter. I then went to get dressed, and there was a dirty diaper on the dresser. I then went into the living room, and alas, two dirty diapers on the couch! You're probably thinking, "Throw those away!!." My intention is always to throw them away right away, but before I can get to it Hailey is drawing sharpee on the tv (true story), or Alli is hungry. It's a whirlwind in our house, and I love it.

My weeks greatest moments are as follows:

  • I got to spend an hour alone Sunday morning, and was able to play piano for the worship team last minute. I can't tell you how good it felt to just be ME for a moment!

  • I successfully took both girls grocery shopping at Walmart BY MYSELF. Huge accomplishment. I wore Alli in the Baby Bjorn and fed Hailey so many berries I thought she would be sick! (and bought her a new $5 baby).

  • I went to Weight Watchers, and took both girls! They were great....and I lost more weight!

  • I took a 2 hour nap yesterday! woop woop!

Still trying to figure out exactly what it is going to look like when I go back to work in late August, but for now, enjoying every moment I have with these little ones!

1 comment:

Linda said...

you are a brave and courageous woman. LOL... I've been through all that, and there are days when....(no I am not crazy regardless of the rumors you hear) I would go back in a heartbeat to have that all over again.

Love you sooooooo much...It was good to have you play on Sunday. I miss seeing you up there.