I can’t believe that 4 weeks ago I was nine months pregnant! I have been hit with the realization that life really does FLY by! Especially when you are having fun with your new baby!
The transition to being parents has been an incredible experience! We truly are loving every minute of it. Well almost every minute J I can’t believe how much Hailey has changed in just four short weeks. She is such a good baby! She rarely fusses, and has created her own schedule (which I’m sure won’t be permanent, but I’m enjoying it nonetheless). She is more alert now, and has started smiling. Every smile is a heart melter! I’m proud to say that she smiles at me the most. Of course, Matt and I are in a competition to see who gets the most smiles per day. Matt and I are enamored with all her little noises and funny faces. If someone had a camera in our house watching us interact with her, we would probably look ridiculous. I surprise myself with all the goofy dances I do and sounds I make. It’s pretty embarrassing really! I’m pretty sure Gus (our dog) thinks I’ve lost it. Speaking of Gus, he absolutely loves Hailey. Every time a peep comes from her, he immediately runs to her side. He will poke his head over the side of her bassinet to look at her and make sure she is ok. He has done great being aware of her too. I wasn’t sure how he would do with a new baby, but so far so good!
I can see her adjusting to life on the outside! It’s amazing how fast she has adapted! She is completely used to getting her diaper changed, and getting dressed. She loves the bath (as long as the water is running over her). She has chosen which kind of pacifier she likes (MAMS…thanks Brooke for the recommendationJ). She focuses her eyes on faces and I can see her taking in the world around her constantly. She is still wearing newborn size clothes, but she isn’t swimming in them like when we brought her home. A few things are looking a little snug already. She sleeps GREAT! I really can’t complain. She usually will sleep about five hours and then wake to eat. After eating she falls right back asleep for another 3 and a half to four hours! I am getting more rest now than when I was pregnant. I’m hoping this keeps up!
Being a mom is THE BIGGEST joy I have ever experienced! There have been some frustrating times…like when my milk came in and I ballooned up to four sizes bigger in a day…or when I find myself covered in puke or poop in the middle of the night. All that is eclipsed by the love that I have for her. I still cannot believe that I am a mom and that I have a DAUGHTER. I spend my days imagining her getting bigger…going to school…growing up and getting married! It is crazy that this beautiful little person will one day be an adult…will one day make her own decisions and have her own relationship with God. I could cry just thinking about it. I’m doing well. Just trying to heal and rest as much as I can. I am still not working which is a blessing but makes me antsy all the same. I still haven’t figured out exactly what will happen when I return to work, but I am not too worried about it. Hailey has PLENTY of people that have offered to spend time with her if I need it.
Matt is back at work. I think I’m adjusting to trying to figure out how to handle it all on my own during the day. I have been so spoiled having him off work. Getting out the door for a daily outing takes quite the effort. Matt started at a new store and likes it so far. It’s in Del Paso Heights, so things are pretty interesting compared to Folsom. I have to say that Matt is THE BEST dad ever. The other day one of our friends told me that she has never seen a Dad so in love with his daughter. It is so true. The second he comes in the door from work he rushes to hold her. He is the biggest help. I am still recovering (SLOWLY) and I can’t be on my feet for too long. He makes sure that I am fed and rested as much as possible. I try not to wake him in the middle of the night, but if I need something he is MORE than willing to get up and get it. We are making a great team in raising this little one, and our marriage is such an incredible blessing from God.
This last Sunday was her dedication ceremony to the Lord. It was such a huge blessing to have our friends and family join us! Thank you so much to those of you that came! It was such an honor to hear the church commit to being an example and supporting us as parents. Hailey is so lucky to have such godly influences in her life. She was ADORABLE in her pink dress, huge bow, and tights. We can’t find any shoes that will fit her yet, so we found tights that have little ballet slippers on them. It’s so fun having a little girl!
Next week, Matt’s mom Diane is coming into town to meet little Hailey! We are so excited to see her and spend time with her over the holiday. I’m giddy thinking that Christmas will be here soon. There is something about this season that just gives me SO MUCH joy! Sometimes I look at Hailey and am in awe that our Lord came to earth as innocent and helpless as she is. MIRACULOUS! Below are some photos from the last 4 weeks!
Thanks for reading!
In the Hospital
Pea in the Pod!
Smiling at Auntie
Best Friends
Pastor Michael praying over Hailey
Proud Parents
We Love You Reynolds
Best Friends!
Photo Shoot
Mom I hate these bows
Love reading your blog. I can't wait to have sometime to hold her again. Maybe, during Thanksgiving.
Love you guys,
Love this!!!! So great to know how you're doing even though I'm so far away!!! Love you Ash! Stay rested. :)
every update you do makes me cry! from love and happiness for you three I should add - see you next week - love you all
She's so sweet and you guys are such wonderful, adoring parents. Love you all!
Oh Ashley, she is so beautiful. I love the pictures and of course, how absolutely in love with her you are!
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